Oby Bamidele
Is it Really Okay to Not be Okay

Is it Really Okay to Not be Okay

You may be familiar with the phrase,  “it is okay to not be okay” - seven simple words formed into a popular phrase which has helped to bring awareness to mental health. This powerful phrase serves as a reminder of our humanness and to give ourselves permission to be...

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

One of the most loving things I can do for myself and others is to have boundaries. Read the above statement again and say it out loud. How does the statement make you feel? Encouraged, empowered, excited, embarrassed or enraged? What is a boundary really?? The...

Why We Code-switch and Cover Our Real Selves

Why We Code-switch and Cover Our Real Selves

I recently facilitated a workshop on diversity and inclusion which explored how much of our real, authentic and true selves we bring to work.  I read an interesting study conducted by Deloitte University ( Leadership centre for inclusion) which revealed that 61% of...

How Stress Set me Free

How Stress Set me Free

Stress is our body’s response to the cries of our soul and spirit for a much needed re-balance and re-alignment when we have gone off course and we are no longer listening intuitively.

How to Choose Excellence over Perfection

How to Choose Excellence over Perfection

Perfectionism is not in the slightest  bit interested in the character or efforts. All it wants is results. It is highly critical and will accept nothing less, regardless of how much work has been put in. 

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