Mental Health
So You Want to Start Therapy, Now What?

So You Want to Start Therapy, Now What?

So you did it.  The hardest part, deciding that you will actually start this new chapter. Finally taking the time to peel back the layers of yourself and partake on a journey of healing. The months of back and forth, the internal dialogue where you convinced yourself...

Is it Really Okay to Not be Okay

Is it Really Okay to Not be Okay

You may be familiar with the phrase,  “it is okay to not be okay” - seven simple words formed into a popular phrase which has helped to bring awareness to mental health. This powerful phrase serves as a reminder of our humanness and to give ourselves permission to be...

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

One of the most loving things I can do for myself and others is to have boundaries. Read the above statement again and say it out loud. How does the statement make you feel? Encouraged, empowered, excited, embarrassed or enraged? What is a boundary really?? The...

Navigating Impostor Syndrome as Black Women

Navigating Impostor Syndrome as Black Women

At BARE Life Class we are all about owning our stories and sharing our experiences as we believe that by doing so, we can help others own theirs.  A major issue faced by many women around the world, especially in the workplace is impostor syndrome. After Michelle...

How Stress Set me Free

How Stress Set me Free

Stress is our body’s response to the cries of our soul and spirit for a much needed re-balance and re-alignment when we have gone off course and we are no longer listening intuitively.

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